Launch of AIPP professional sales training
Register now - starts 18th February 2021 for six weeks - FREE to AIPP members
Starting 18th February 2021 for six weeks with a professional sales trainer, we return to our popular and proven Zoom online training for members. Sales being the lifeblood of all business, this course has been created for international property professionals by an industry insider, benefiting veterans and novices alike. Dates and times for each of the 6 training sessions given below. Simply register and attend as many sessions as you wish / can.
Entirely free and exclusive to AIPP members, training sessions will be led by former property sales director and former CEO of AIPP, Paul Owen. Paul has spent 20 years in sales and sales training for a variety of companies and is author of the Amazon Bestseller ‘Hidden Skill, Secret Career – The truth about sales‘, he was also shortlisted for Business Book of the Year 2018.
Access to training is by registration only, so please book your place now for the live sessions by emailing If you are not a member of AIPP and wish to join in membership to receive the course for free, please email
Here’s what the six weeks will cover:
Week 1:
Successful Sales = ?
There are 2 ingredients: Consistent Application of Basics + Transfer of Enthusiasm. To apply both to best effect, we must first check our understanding of sales: what IS our job? And, no, it’s not just ‘to sell stuff!’ Once our role is clear, then we must find or create repeatable structures and processes to be consistently successful rather than occasionally so. Our 4-step process (E.A.S.Y.) can help.
Week 2
STEP 1 – E arn the right to speak
People are rarely expecting your call or, if meeting, they’re seldom prepared for the meeting. In both cases, their minds are occupied with other things. When you start speaking, they are working hard to understand who you are and whether they see value in speaking to you at that particular moment. They need to not only hear what you say but digest what you say.
Week 3
STEP 2 – A sk questions to understand needs
Sales, done properly, is all about helping people make well-informed buying decisions. We must find the truth about their needs so sales is the search for truth. We find the truth by listening, and great questions encourage people to share information. It’s our job to listen, to understand and then guide. Nobody ever listened themselves out of a sale. Ask more, listen more, talk less.
Week 4
STEP 3 – S ell your company and your product / service to match needs
Every single client is thinking, “Can I trust what you say?” whether they say so or not. In every marketplace, there is competition and the ability to communicate the benefits of working with you is what differentiates success from failure, rather than the quality of what is being bought. Don’t let your outstanding service be undersold or misunderstood.
Week 5
STEP 4 – Y es or no to next step
By the end of a sales conversation, you should have a clear idea of whether a client is interested or not. Closing is not ‘the secret’ to sales success but it remains important to end the conversation well. Clarity, reassurance and a mapping of simple next steps are important.
Week 6
Sales Q&A: A chance to ask Paul your own questions and share ideas with fellow members
February: 18th & 25th
March: 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
All sessions will take place at 4pm GMT / 5pm CET
Length of each training session will be 45 minutes plus 15 minutes Q&A with Paul Owen. We will continue the session into an additional 30 minutes for those who want to stay and share their own thoughts and ideas on sales. Members have found this particular ‘sharing’ aspect of our Zoom webinars very useful.