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Distance-selling marketing analytics

How to know what most interests a sales prospect about your property?

Members participating in our professional sales training earlier this year identified a key obstacle to overcome: how to know what a sales prospect was thinking and doing perhaps over 1500 kilometres away? No easy task.

We were then delighted to be in touch with existing agent member of AIPP, Alistair Brown of ABIRE selling property over 7,000 kilometres away for over 30 years and the creator of ResiVue, a new digital brochure blended with analytics. Having reviewed the product, we saw it is unique in the market and clearly created by an agent who understood every aspect and challenge of distance selling.

Welcoming ResiVue as a new Associate member of AIPP, we were delighted to deliver our latest trade training ‘Zoominar’ on the 11th November featuring a great presentation from Alistair and his team. AIPP members can access the ResiVue presentation via this link and also watch a video recording of the Zoominar (with members putting questions to the ResiVue team) via this link. Passcode: &sPT8nb5

ResiVue product and service delivery

In essence, ResiVue allows agents and developers to create compelling and trackable content on their own computer (on a simple ‘drag and drop’ basis) for both new build and resale properties. ‘Trackable’ means that agents and developers can see what their sales prospects are looking at and engaging with the most, when sent a property brochure.

Brochure data analytics are fed -back daily by ResiVue to agents and developers, giving sales staff a clear idea of who are their hottest leads and what interests them (or does not). The chat below summarises the ResiVue deliverables v other types of digital marketing.


ResiVue pricing and contact information

As a fellow member of AIPP, ResiVue have made a generous offer to both agents and developers to ‘try before buy’ with a low-cost monthly solution thereafter. Members who want to contact ResiVue should do so directly through Lucy McLean, ResiVue Account Executive at lucy@ret.digital or on +44 (0) 7793 291611


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