Attend Andalucian Spain Property Conference 10th - 12th November at SIMED
Selling or want to sell property in Andalucia?
AIPP has been approached by SIMED, the organisers of the Mediterranean Real Estate Exhibition, seeking agents and other companies interested in selling property in Andalucia to foreign buyers. Buyers might be looking for a second home, retirement property or investment.
Agents, and other delegates attending, will be able to meet with property developers, marketers, other agents and all the key organisations responsible for promoting the wonderful province of Andalucia. Delegates can expect to leave with new property inventory, commission agreements, detailed knowledge of the region and many new important network contacts.
AIPP members are invited to be part of the international delegation attending SIMED 10-12th November, supported by the Andalusian Agency for foreign promotion (Extenda). The organisers are willing to pay the travel and accommodation costs of qualifying international participants (based outside of Spain).
You can read more about SIMED via this link to their website